Laurel Jones, Music Director
We are thankful to have three choirs at St. Luke’s, and you are welcome to participate in any of them!
Chancel Choir
We have the very special privilege of leading the peoples’ song in our worship services. This is a responsibility we take joyfully and seriously. It's also our desire that our music helps to prepare hearts as Pastor Lisa shares the word of God. You will find the Chancel Choir to be a place of encouragement, support, strength, refreshment, musical challenge and fulfilment. The choir is made up of volunteers and sings most Sundays during the 11:00 a.m. worship services September through May. There are special musical venues during the liturgical seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. Rehearsal is held every Thursday 7:30 p.m. – 8:45 p.m. during the choir season. We welcome singers in all voice parts (soprano, alto, bass, and tenor). You do not have to read music to be part of the program. We invite you to join us! Peace!
The Bell Choir
The Bell Choir has been restarted by Mr. Bob Ford. It is not meeting at this time but will be back in the fall. The bells prepare wonderful anthems for special Sundays and other occasions in the life of our church. Bob Ford welcomes anyone with an interest in playing bells, even if you have no musical experience and can’t read music, to come and literally “try your hand” at a bell! We predict that you will love it!
The Children’s Choir
This choir is not meeting at this time but will be back in the fall. This choir, too, is growing, and newcomers are welcome!
This choir sings once every four to six weeks in worship.